Buy Fairtrade this Fortnight

Did you know there are almost 5,000 Fairtrade products available in the UK?

This Fairtrade Fortnight, choose Fairtrade to be the change for producers worldwide.

By choosing Fairtrade, you are helping farmers receive fairer prices for their work, so they can invest in driving positive change in their communities, like sending more kids to school, building medical facilities and switching to sustainable production methods.

Two new YouGov research studies commissioned by the Fairtrade Foundation show that Britain’s most popular Fairtrade buy is bananas (57%), closely followed by chocolate (54%) and coffee (43%).

Together, we’ve already made a huge impact over the past 30 years.

Key Fairtrade stats: We work with more than 2 million farmers and workers. We've worked with over 10,000 local Fairtrade groups over the last 30 years. The FAIRTRADE Mark is the most recognised and trusted ethical label in the UK with 92% awareness among consumers. Globally between 1994-2022 producers have shared an estimated £1.7 billion in Fairtrade Premium payments. There are currently almost 5,000 Fairtrade products for sale in the UK.

But there is still more work to be done to support farmers worldwide.

Almost 2/3rd of Londoners have chosen Fairtrade when shopping (source YouGov). Let's get everyone supporting farmers and workers worldwide. Image features a picture of Yeo Fannidianwa, a shea nut producer from Cote d'Ivoire
58% of Bristolians have bought a Fairtrade banana this year
51% of Brummies have bought Fairtrade coffee this year
Almost 6/10 people from Cardiff have bough Fairtrade chocolate this year
Edinburgh, your favourite Fairtrade buy is chocolate
32% of Mancunians drank a cup of Fairtrade tea this year
Buy Fairtrade today so farmers can change their tomorrow

A few small changes to the products you put in your basket can make a huge change to the lives of those who produce them.

photo of flowers and a striped long-sleeved t-shirt
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