Young people taking part in online Fairtrade debate

Action Area 2: Connecting Fairtrade

Gosport Fairtrade Action

Fairtrade Gosport campaigners
Gosport Fairtrade Action. Credit: Sarah Hirom.

Gosport Fairtrade Action is an alliance of local environment and climate groups.

During Fairtrade Fortnight 2023, Gosport Fairtrade Action took part in a special reception hosted by the local mayor in the Town Hall for guests representing local green organisations.

There were also eight local councillors and a local MP who spoke in support of Fairtrade.

We were able to involve local groups because we had worked with them over the previous couple of years to demonstrate Fairtrade’s role in tackling climate change.

Sarah Hirom, Gosport Fairtrade Action Community

Gosport Fairtrade Action have been building these relationships for years.

For example, Gosport Fairtrade Action and Gosport Friends of the Earth created a poster display in Gosport Discovery Centre.

During Fairtrade Fortnight 2023, they threw a Fairtrade Tea Party to thank those who had participated in Great Big Green Week.

They followed up with an email with further information which lead to one organisation switching to using Fairtrade products.

Watch the local group discuss their work

Visit the Gosport Fairtrade Action website.

Harrow Fairtrade Campaign

Young people taking part in online Fairtrade debate
Taking part in a debate. Credit: Nana Asante.

Getting young people interested in Fairtrade is critical to the future of our Fairtrade community.

Nana Asante, coordinator of Fairtrade Harrow and National Campaigner Committee representative, has been bringing young people together to tackle the issues at the heart of Fairtrade.

Nana has run a series of Fairtrade debates, partnering with Middlesex University, a Fairtrade University.

These debates have looked at:

  • How Fairtrade relates to the challenges climate change brings small-scale farmers in lower-income countries
  • The benefits of choosing Fairtrade
  • Where greater change is needed for a fairer future.

It was really wonderful having young people taking part… because it really makes us think about some of the issues.

Nana Asante, Harrow Fairtrade Community

Nana had support from Jo Williamson, who managed Middlesex University’s Fairtrade commitment, and fellow Fairtrade London activist and former Divine Chocolate CEO Sophi Tranchell.

Why not try partnering with a local school, university or other institution to set up a local debate of your own?

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