Felixstowe Fairtrade Forum

During Fairtrade Fortnight 2023, the Felixstowe Fairtrade group challenged themselves to improve their social media presence.
We were keen to [improve] our outreach work in schools and with young people and to publicise shops and businesses in Felixstowe where you can buy Fairtrade products.
Already having a Facebook page, the team has recently joined both Instagram and Twitter.
Jenny Brabazon, Felixstowe Fairtrade Forum Community group
They used Fairtrade Ted, a large teddy bear wearing a Fairtrade t-shirt, bringing him to local schools and businesses. They shared photos of him on their social media channels.
The team posted at least once a day during Fairtrade Fortnight, sharing the task across the committee.
Jenny’s top tips for social media include:
- Taking photos as you campaign
- Resharing content from the Fairtrade Foundation’s social media channels
- Sharing posts to different Facebook groups.
The hard work by Jenny and team had a real impact, with lots more followers and reach.
Follow the Felixstowe Fairtrade Forum on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.